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Photo of this facility

21201 W. 152nd Street Olathe, KS 66061

OHEC houses classroom and skills labs for practical nursing, health occupations, respiratory care and neurodiagnostic technology programs. It also provides space for 天涯海角APP County Adult Education, general education classes, computer labs, a multipurpose conference room, common spaces and a reception area.

Classes that meet at this location

To find credit classes that meet at this location, search the credit class schedule. Select the term you need from the drop-down, select "Continue," then choose "Advanced Search" and select "Off Campus" from the "Campus" drop-down list.

To find Continuing Education courses that meet at this location, search the . Select "Olathe Health Educ Ctr" from the "Facility" drop-down list.

Inclement weather

If 天涯海角APP closes due to inclement weather, the Olathe Health Education Center location will also close.

Floor plans

First floor

(gray shading indicates storm security areas)
(red arrows indicate exits)

Room locations for OHEC first floor.

OHEC first floor Emergency Response Plan (PDF) detailed emergency instructions with storm security locations.

During a weather emergency individuals should seek shelter in the interior most portion of the building away from exterior windows and do

OHEC Storm Security Areas

  • OHEC 109D, 109E
  • OHEC 111, 111C
  • OHEC 121, 121A, 121B
  • OHEC 133
  • Men's and women's restrooms

Second Floor

(gray shading indicates storm security areas)
(red arrows indicate exits)

Room locations for OHEC second floor.

OHEC second floor Emergency Response Plan (PDF) detailed emergency instructions with storm security locations.

During a weather emergency individuals should seek shelter in the interior most portion of the building away from exterior windows and do

OHEC Storm Security Areas

  • OHEC 205A, 205B, 207A,
  • OHEC 221A, 221B, 221G, 221H, 223A
  • OHEC 243, 245, 245E
  • Men's and women's restrooms
Emergency Response Plan
Look for the red and white stripe for emergency information.
Report all campus emergencies to the 天涯海角APP Police Department.
  • Dial 913-469-2500.
  • 913-339-6699 TDD/TTY
See the Emergency Response Plan for instructions.
  • Evacuation
  • Fire-Smoke-Explosion
  • Campus Violence
  • Illness-Injury-Accident
  • Weather Warnings