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Grade Review and Appeal Policy 314.08
Series: 300 Students
Section: Academic Policies

Cross-Reference: Grade Review and Appeal Operating Procedure 314.08

天涯海角APP (天涯海角APP) will provide credit students with a fair and efficient process to present and resolve disputes relating to the final grade issued to a student for a credit course.

All requests for grade review must be initiated by the student within forty-five (45) calendar days of the College’s release of a final credit course grade to the student. 

The President shall be authorized to establish procedures to implement this Policy, and such procedures shall be administered by the Vice President, Academic Affairs or a designee.

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 05/26/1993, 06/17/1993, 06/16/1994, 08/22/1995, 08/18/2011, 04/17/2014, 04/18/2019