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Enrollment Policy 311.01
Series: 300 Students
Section: Registration, Assessment, Auditing and Scheduling Classes

I.  Credit Course Enrollment

A. Deadlines and Payment: Prior to the beginning of each semester or session, students must enroll for courses according to the Credit Class Enrollment Dates and Deadlines set forth on the College's website. Enrollment is not considered complete until the student has paid tuition and fees or when other payment arrangements have been officially authorized by the Financial Aid Office or Bursar’s Office. Students with past due obligations to the College cannot enroll for credit courses until such obligations are resolved to the satisfaction of the College.

B. Exceptions to Credit Enrollment: The College reserves the right to deny credit enrollment, temporarily or permanently, to any individual who has violated the Student Code of Conduct 319.01 and is currently suspended or expelled from the College or one of its programs, who is not making academic progress, as defined in the Academic Standing Policy 314.06, or when the College is unable to provide the services, courses or programs needed to assist a student in meeting their educational objectives.

C. Repeating a Credit Course: No student may enroll in any credit course for the third time without approval of the academic department. Grades and credit for repeated courses will be determined in accordance with the College’s Grade information procedures.

II. Continuing Education Course Enrollment

A. Payment: Enrollment is not considered complete until the student has paid tuition and fees or when other payment arrangements have been officially authorized by the Continuing Education Registration Office. Students with past due obligations to Continuing Education cannot enroll for continuing education courses until such obligations are resolved to the satisfaction of the College.

B. Exceptions to Continuing Education Enrollment: The College reserves the right to deny continuing education enrollment, temporarily or permanently, to any individual who has violated the Student Code of Conduct 319.01 and is currently suspended or expelled from the College or one of its programs, or when the College is unable to provide the services, courses or programs needed to assist a student in meeting their educational objectives.

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 06/16/94, 01/15/2009, 04/17/2014, 08/17/2017