Learn how to identify, report and prevent bullying on and off campus.
What is bullying?
Bullying is a widespread and serious problem that can happen anywhere. It’s often associated with children, but it can occur well into adulthood, including on college campuses.
Bullying is defined as a deliberate and hostile act meant to cause fear or inflict harm on another person. It’s committed by someone who has greater power or status than their target.
Who is a bully?
Anyone can be a bully when they intimidate, embarrass, belittle or harass someone in the following ways:
- Verbal – Name-calling, hassling someone, spreading rumors or making degrading comments
- Social – Spreading rumors, leaving people out on purpose, interfering negatively on other relationships
- Physical – Hitting, punching, shoving or using threatening looks or gestures
- – Using the Internet, mobile phones or other digital technologies to harm others
When bullying becomes physical or sexual and causes harm or damage to property, or makes you feel afraid to attend class, it can be considered harassment or even assault.
What does bullying cause?
If you are a target of bullying, you may feel helpless, isolated, lonely, frustrated or angry. You may suffer from insomnia or experience changes in appetite. To escape bullying, you might skip classes or avoid social interactions. The stress caused by bullying could lead to physical issues including headaches, stomachaches and ulcers.
Bullying can also lead to:
- Low self-esteem
- Anxiety and depression
- Difficulties with social relationships
- Alcohol or drug use
- Violence
- Self-harm or suicidal thoughts
Report bullying
You have a right to be safe. If you experience bullying, communicate your concerns to a friend or parent or contact the 天涯海角APP Police Department, College officials or a 天涯海角APP counselor. You may also confidentially report bullying behavior through the .
If you see someone being bullied, take action. Be an active bystander.
- Refuse to join in bullying behavior.
- Safely intervene to point out unacceptable behavior to the bully.
- Tell the victim that you want to help them.
- Ask a College official for help. You can make a positive difference in someone's life.
- Contact 天涯海角APP Police, College officials or counselors and offer to go with the person being bullied for support.