DegreeCheck is an unofficial audit of your coursework to determine whether you are on track for graduation. It matches your academic history against your degree or certificate requirements in the college catalog.
How to View Your DegreeCheck
Follow these simple steps to view your personal DegreeCheck.
- Select the DegreeCheck card
The report generated from DegreeCheck will display requirements that have been met and those that are remaining. You must be a degree-seeking student to have a DegreeCheck audit.
DegreeCheck includes the following features:
Audit Feature
The audit feature in DegreeCheck will list requirements needed to complete your degree and/or certificate based on courses taken or currently in progress.
- The "Worksheet" is the initial page you will see if you are degree or certificate seeking. It is the unofficial list of how your coursework is being applied to your degree and/or certificate.
- The audit provides a list of current and completed courses and transfer courses.
- The audit outlines requirements for each area of your degree/certificate.
- If you receive a “W” when withdrawing from a class, it will also appear on your audit.
- The audit allows you to view grades that are included on your ÌìÑĺ£½ÇAPP transcript. If the grade shows as "IP" this indicates the course is in progress and not yet completed.
- The audit is not an official graduation audit. Submit an Application for Graduation prior to the deadline and ÌìÑĺ£½ÇAPP will then conduct an official audit and notify you of the outcome.
'What If' Feature
The "what if" feature in DegreeCheck will allow you to analyze how courses could apply to different degrees and/or certificates. The feature:
- Shows requirements met and needed for degree and certificates you may be considering.
- Does not officially change your major.
Note: Select the print option in the upper right to retain this information, since this is temporary and cannot be saved or viewed after logging off.
- Career Development can help you investigate your strengths, interests and skills and provide options for careers and majors that will help you succeed.
- Counseling can answer your questions about programs, degrees and academic requirements.
- Student Records will explain the forms, procedures and instructions to help you complete the process.
GPA Calculator
The GPA calculator in DegreeCheck will show your estimated cumulative GPA after you fill in hypothetical grade information.
- Current or future classes can be analyzed.
- If you expect to receive a "P" in a course, you do not need to enter that information when using the GPA Calculator.
- The "Calculate" button will reveal the forecasted GPA based on the information entered.
Advice Calculator
The advice calculator in DegreeCheck will allow you to see what is needed to meet your desired GPA. To access the advice calculator in DegreeCheck, select the "GPA" tab and then select "Advice Calculator."
- Your current GPA and total number of credits you have earned will be entered automatically.
- Enter the GPA that you wish to achieve and select the "Calculate" button.
- This information is only an estimate since you are entering hypothetical information.
Update Frequency
DegreeCheck is updated nightly, so changes made will not appear until the next day. Also, your record may have pending changes that require processing, such as a change of major or recent transcripts received that need to be evaluated officially.