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- Series 200: Administrative Services Policies
- Facilities & Property Policies
- Disposition of Surplus Property Operating Procedure
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: Facilities and Property
Cross-Reference: Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 215.07
Applicability: This Operating Procedure applies to all 天涯海角APP (“天涯海角APP” or the “College”) Surplus Property, as defined in the Disposition of Surplus Property Policy 215.07.
Purpose: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to establish processes for identifying and disposing of Surplus Property.
Employees seeking to redistribute or dispose of Surplus Property should first contact the College Warehouse.
I. Internal Redistribution of Property:
The College will use reasonable efforts to redistribute the property internally prior to declaring it as Surplus Property and disposing of it. To facilitate internal redistribution of property, the College maintains a Reusable Office Supply Exchange (ROSE) store for internal redistribution of office supplies. Additionally, the College Warehouse maintains a list of other property (typically furniture and equipment) that is available for reuse internally. Business Services will determine the number of days an item should remain on the list, typically 30 days, based on the nature of the item, anticipated likelihood of internal redistribution, availability of Warehouse space and personnel, and other relevant factors.
II. Declaring Property as Surplus Property
If an item is not internally redistributed as provided in this Operating Procedure, it may be declared Surplus Property by Business Services and disposed of as provided herein.
III. Disposition of Surplus Property
Business Services will establish and maintain guidelines to determine the appropriate method(s) of disposal for Surplus Property. The method(s) of disposal should maximize net benefit to the College. The appropriate method of disposal will vary by item and depend on the circumstances, including value of item (both monetary and non-monetary), nature and extent of demand for the item, usefulness, recyclability of materials and cost of storage. Disposing of items in the trash shall be the method of last resort, after all other methods have been exhausted. Surplus Property should be disposed of by the College within one year of being declared Surplus Property.
IV. Hazardous Materials
Hazardous and other special materials and equipment may be restricted as to disposition method and source. Campus Services is responsible for storage and disposition of hazardous materials.
V. Exceptions
Exceptions to this Operating Procedure must be approved by the Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration.
VI. Interpretation
This Operating Procedure shall be administered by Business Services, including Procurement Services and the College Warehouse, and interpreted by the Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration.
Signature on File in Policy Office
Revised: 06/20/2019, 07/15/2021, 12/12/2024
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