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Congratulations! You are nearing graduation. To start the process, you must first apply to graduate.

Apply to Graduate

Why should you apply?

  • You must apply to graduate so that your records will be reviewed and your degree awarded.
  • Applying to graduate ensures you will receive important communications about your graduation status and the commencement ceremony.
  • Students who do not apply to graduate but meet the degree requirements will have their degree conferred institutionally and appear on the student’s official transcript.
  • Applying to graduate does not sign you up to participate in the commencement ceremony.

How to Apply

To apply for graduation, select the semester you plan to complete your degree or certificate. 

  • If your Application for Graduation was previously denied, you will need to reapply.
  • For help with submitting your Application for Graduation, call 913-469-3803.
  • If you have changed your name or address, submit a  prior to applying for graduation.
  • Make sure you have submitted transcripts for coursework you intend to use toward your degree or certificate at 天涯海角APP. 
  • Review the graduation requirements and contact Counseling if you have any questions.

Graduation Application Deadlines:

The Application for Graduation is required even if you do not intend to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony.

  • June 15 for summer graduation 
  • October 15 for fall graduation
  • February 15 for spring graduation (To ensure your name will appear in the commencement program.)

The commencement ceremony is held at the end of the spring semester once a year. 

All diplomas are mailed within five weeks after the semester ends. Be sure your correct mailing address is on file to ensure delivery of your diploma.

If you have missed the deadline to apply for graduation, you may appeal the deadline by submitting a form. This form must be turned in with the Application for Graduation and does not take the place of the application form.

  • When an Application for Graduation is received, an initial verification will be completed to ensure degree and/or certificate requirements will be satisfied.
  • Students will receive an email with the results of the initial verification.
  • A student's degree and/or certificate status will be recorded on a student's permanent transcript once grades have been posted and a final verification is done to ensure that all graduation requirements have been completed.

Students who have lost their original certificate or diploma may order one duplicate copy at no cost. Complete the Duplicate Diploma Request form.

If a deceased student was very close to earning a degree or certificate, in special cases the degree may be awarded posthumously. Normally, the student would be within one semester (i.e., within 18 credits for an undergraduate degree) of completing the requirements for the degree at the time of death. Requests for posthumous degrees or certificates must be approved by the appropriate academic department and the Registrar.