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Evaluation of Non-U.S. Transcripts by 天涯海角APP

天涯海角APP and the Office of Human Resources do not evaluate transcripts from non-U.S. institutions for the purpose of recognizing degree or certificate requirements.

Effective spring 2016, 天涯海角APP will only accept evaluations for non-U.S. transcript(s) evaluated by (ECE).

Before requesting an ECE evaluation, consult with the Office of Human Resources at 天涯海角APP to determine if an evaluation is beneficial.

  • 天涯海角APP will only accept evaluations from the Education Credential Evaluators (ECE).
  • Only course-by-course evaluation reports from ECE will be accepted.
  • The applicant/employee is responsible for translating their transcript documents into English before ordering an evaluation from ECE.

Steps to submit an ECE evaluation for a non-U.S. transcript

  • Submit the application, transcripts, translated documents and payment to  (ECE).
  • Request a "Course by Course" evaluation report. (The report can include more than one transcript).
  • ECE will evaluate the documents once they have been received. (Processing takes approximately 2-3 weeks).

Upon receipt, bring your completed ECE course by course evaluation report to the Office of Human Resources at 天涯海角APP.

Office of Human Resources
Room 274, General Education Building (GEB)
Office Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday