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天涯海角APP places the security and safety of its students, employees and visitors as its highest priority.

KOPS Alert Logo

To keep you informed in emergency situations, the College has developed a comprehensive emergency communication system. The system keeps students, faculty and staff informed about critical campus safety issues. A strategic protocol is defined for system use based on the type of emergency.

The emergency notification system includes several methods of communication.

天涯海角APP Alert

天涯海角APP Alert  is 天涯海角APP’s emergency notification system. It allows the College to communicate emergency information via text and email quickly to students, faculty, staff and other pre-designated individuals. All students and employees are automatically enrolled in this system.

Public Address (PA) System 

Emergency alerts will be sounded through an audible system located in the hallways of all buildings advising of the situation and how to respond. Building and floor messaging can be isolated for specific incidents.

Digital Signage (EAS – Emergency Alert System)

An emergency alert message will appear on all large monitors in the hallways across campus advising of the emergency situation and how to respond.

Social Media

The College will use its accounts on Facebook and X to inform followers of an emergency situation.

Alertus-Desktop Alert

An emergency alert message will appear on all College network computers in labs, classrooms and work areas advising of the emergency and how to respond.

College classroom and office phone alerts 

An emergency alert message will be announced and/or displayed on classroom and office phones.

天涯海角APP website home page 

Notifications and links to emergency information will appear on the 天涯海角APP website. In a qualifying emergency, 天涯海角APP’s main home page will be replaced with an emergency page devoted to information about the incident.

College main phone number greeting

913-469-8500 – When a decision is made to close the campus, the College’s main phone message is changed to reflect the closing. The main phone greeting can also be updated to provide information about an incident.

Local media outlets

The College may use local media to inform the community of an emergency situation as needed.

Fire alarm system

Each building has an individual fire alarm that sounds along with flashing strobes to signal building evacuation is necessary.

Emergency 2-way radios

As part of the Emergency Management Program, all Building Emergency Leaders (BELs) are equipped with a 2-way handheld radio for emergency communication.

Remember, the goal is to communicate emergency information in many different ways to ensure that people receive notification as quickly as possible.

For more information, contact the Emergency Management director at 913-469-8500, ext. 7622 or by email.