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Need assistance now?

Emergency: Call 913-469-2500, (913-339-6699 TDD/TTY) 4111 from a campus phone. If you are off campus, call 911.
Security Escort: Call  4112 from a campus phone.
Locked yourself out of your car or classroom? Call 913-469-2500 (913-339-6699 TDD/TTY).
Lost and Found: Located in MTC 115. Call 913-469-8500, ext. 5678, to report a lost item.
Counseling: Find local and national resources.

How to Respond to Common Emergencies

Follow ALICE Principles

If you're faced with a violent critical incident, increase your chances of survival by remembering your ALICE options. And remember: ALICE is not designed to be sequential.

  • Alert

    Alert is when you first become aware of a threat. Receive specific, real-time information. Call Campus Police at 913-469-2500 or 911 to report when safe to do so.

  • Lockdown

    Lockdown if you can’t evacuate safely. Barricade entry points and lock doors. Get low to the floor, spread out, turn off lights, silence cell phones and stay out of view.

  • Inform

    Inform is to continue to communicate information in real time. Plain language is best, never use code words.

  • Counter

    Counter as a last resort by using distraction and control techniques that create noise, movement, and distance with the intent of overwhelming the intruder, thus decreasing their ability to cause harm.

  • Evacuate

    Get out if a safe path is available. Put distance between you and intruder. Do not go to your car. Evacuate campus on foot. Stay alert to 天涯海角APP information.

No matter where you are, be familiar with your surroundings and know your escape routes.

Remember, there are no guarantees in an active shooter/violent critical incident, but just as in most other emergency situations, the more you know, the better your chances of survival. Do not be an easy target!

All threats to the campus community are to be taken seriously. If you receive a telephone call informing you that a bomb has been placed on campus, do the following:

  • Remain calm and refer to the following checklist to record information the caller provides to help determine the seriousness of the threat and possibly identify the caller.
  • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible to attempt to gather as much information as possible.
  • Call the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 immediately for further assistance.
  • If the bomb threat was left on your voicemail, do not erase the message.

The decision of whether or not to evacuate a work area or building will be determined by the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department and the administration after a thorough evaluation of the information available. This decision will be communicated quickly to personnel.

If evacuation is called for, do not use cellphones or radios within 300 feet of the area.

Check for but do not disturb unusual objects as you leave a classroom or an office. Report any unusual objects to the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department.

Bomb Threat Checklist (PDF)

Drop Cover Hold On

Minor earthquakes should not prompt you to evacuate. In fact, unless there is another reason to leave the building, you are safer inside than outside after an earthquake. However, if you are ordered or required to evacuate, follow instructions from campus police.

If you are unsure and you believe that evacuation is necessary for your safety, wait for the shaking to stop, then carefully leave the building and move at least 50 feet away to an open area. Never run while the building is shaking — that’s how people get seriously injured.

If you become trapped in an elevator

  • Remain calm
  • Activate the elevator emergency telephone, which notifies 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department, OR call 913-469-2500 from a cellphone.
  • Assist in keeping occupants calm and wait for help to arrive.
  • Do not try to force open an elevator door.
  • Do not crawl out of an elevator without assistance from authorized personnel.

If you are not inside the elevator but hear a problem or a person in need of help

  • Call ext. 4111 from a campus phone or call 913-469-2500 from a cellphone to notify the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department.Give the police dispatcher the following information:
    • Name of building, your name and cellphone number (if applicable).
    • Location within the building of malfunctioning elevator, if known.
    • Where the elevator car is stopped, if known.
    • Whether a medical emergency exists.
  •  Before you hang up, make sure the dispatcher has all the information he/she needs.
  • Try to keep the occupants calm. Wait for help to arrive.

If you witness a chemical spill or smell an unusual odor:

  • Promptly contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500. The police will contact the R.E.S.E., Manager of Custodial Support Services and HazMat Control (ext. 2301), who will coordinate the response, clean-up and disposal efforts. The secondary contact is the AVP of Campus Services/Facility Planning (ext. 7604).
    • If an emergency exists, the Fire Department may also be contacted.
  • Be sure to secure the area to ensure that no one is unwittingly exposed to the chemicals or hazardous waste.

If you smell natural gas

All 天涯海角APP main campus space heating and water heating is electric. Only the following areas have natural gas: CLB science labs, HCA kitchens, RC science labs, SCI science labs and the West Park location (has natural gas heating).

If you smell gas within any building:

  • If evacuation is deemed necessary, direct all occupants to leave the building and proceed to a designated outdoor KOPS-Zone (emergency assembly area).
  • While exiting the building, do not use fire alarm pull stations, telephones, handheld radios, electrical switches or any device that might trigger an explosion.
  • Once you have exited the building, please contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 and Campus Services at ext. 3710 for assistance.

After normal business hours contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 for assistance

Many electrical power interruptions are brief. Unless there is some other danger, do not evacuate or dismiss students or employees unless instructed to do so. In most cases, power will be restored or classes will be relocated to another area with power.

To report a power outage

  • During normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., contact Campus Services at ext. 3710 or Campus Police at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500.
  • After normal business hours contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500.
  • Remain calm. Stay where you are unless you are in an unlit area. If you are in an unlit area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lighting. Provide assistance to others in your immediate area who may be unfamiliar with the space.
KPOS zone logo

Immediately notify 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500. If you are at an off-campus location, dial 911.

If you hear or see an explosion, exit the area as safely as possible.

Whenever the fire alarms and/or sprinkler systems are activated

All occupants of the building must promptly and calmly evacuate using the nearest exit and report to the designated Emergency Assembly Area (map).

  • Do not use elevators.
  • Only if time permits take personal items (coats, purses, keys, etc.) with you, as you may not be allowed to return to the building.
  • Be aware of others in your area (or those you are responsible for) and inform them to evacuate as well. Assist persons with disabilities.
  • Follow directions given by emergency building personnel.
  • In the event that you encounter smoke and/or fire while evacuating, exercise caution and logic to help ensure your safety and the safety of others. Remember, “Stay Low and Go!”
  • Once gathered at the predetermined emergency assembly area, take a head count to ensure that all individuals are safely out of the building. In the event of an actual fire, the Fire Department and/or 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department will request this information. Report any persons remaining in the building, perhaps with a mobility impairment.

Representatives from 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department will respond to the affected building to determine the location of the smoke/fire/explosion.

  • The Fire Department is contacted for all fire alarms.
  • If no source of smoke/fire is located, the occupants will be given an “all clear” to return to the building by 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department or the Overland Park Fire Department.
  • Do not return to the building until 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department or the Fire Department informs you that it is safe to do so.
  • Do not use the elevator to evacuate the building during a fire. Use the nearest stairwell to exit.
  • Once an evacuation has started, do not stop the process until it is complete.

Assisting the Disabled

  • Individuals who need evacuation assistance should establish procedures in advance with their instructor or supervisor. Access Services for Students with Disabilities (ext. 3521), Human Resources (ext. 3877) for employees, and the Office of Emergency Management (ext. 7622) are available for consultation on these procedures.
  • Be aware of disabled employees/students in your area.
  • The fire department recommends moving a disabled person to another connected building or inside an enclosed stairwell or safe area of the building until help arrives – Lateral Evacuation if possible.
  • Communication is key! Report all individuals with “specific” plans or alternate emergency locations to your Building Emergency Leader or Campus Police Department personnel and make their whereabouts known.
  • Do not attempt to move a disabled individual down a flight of stairs and risk injuring that person and yourself. Let the professionals take charge at the scene.

Administrative Procedure

(Reference Infectious Disease Policy 611.00)

This administrative procedure is for employees and/or students who acquire a communicable disease or a life-threatening illness, which may affect their health, safety, welfare, and that of others with whom they have contact.

Reporting Suspected Communicable Diseases

Employees and students should report suspected cases of communicable disease to the following College personnel. If the first individual is not available, please contact the next individual in the order listed.

  1. Office of Emergency Management - emergencymanagement@jccc.edu 
  2. Director of Emergency Management - Alisa Pacer, apacer@jccc.edu, ext. 7622
  3. Administrative Assistant Emergency Management - Dixie 天涯海角APP, djohn272@jccc.edu, ext. 3708

If the injury/illness is serious or life-threatening, immediately contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 from a campus phone or 913-469-2500 from a cell phone. If you are at an off-campus location dial 911.

  • Do not move the person unless it is necessary for safety reasons.
  • Protect the person from unnecessary manipulation and disturbance.
  • To the extent that you are trained, begin CPR and other first aid measures as appropriate.
  • Stay with the person until advanced medical assistance arrives.
  • If the injury/illness is not serious or life threatening, ask the individual what assistance is needed.

Also contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 from a campus phone or 913-469-2500 from a cellphone to assist to the extent requested by the affected individual.

What to Do If You’re Injured at Work:

  1. Ask: Is the injury serious or life-threatening?
  2. REPORT the incident to ClinicalCare24.
  3. SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT if necessary and authorized.

Remember: Report any on-the-job injury ASAP to be considered for worker’s comp benefits.

Employees who suffer and on-the-job injury/illness should remember the following:

  • Regardless of severity, promptly report all on-the-job injuries to ClinicalCare24 at 855-513-3003
  • If an injury involves a threat to life or limb, contact the 天涯海角APP Police (913-469-2500) to coordinate emergency medical treatment.
  • Although some on-the-job injuries may not require medical attention, always report all on-the-job injuries to ClinicalCare24 at 855-513-3003 in the event you need medical treatment at a later date.

Your personal safety is of primary importance. Nothing you have or the College has is worth your life or the life of others. If you are robbed:

  • Try to remain calm.
  • Hand over money or possessions when asked.
  • Comply with any reasonable demands the robbers make.
  • Don’t argue.
  • Don’t fight.
  • Look at the robber and note tattoos, scars, prominent features, clothing and weapons so you can describe them to the police.
  • Watch what the robber touches. The police may be able to get fingerprints.
  • Tell the robber if you need to reach or move in any way so they are not startled.
  • If possible see which way the robber leaves and whether or not he/she is in a vehicle or on foot.
  • Don’t follow or chase the robber.

As soon as you can do so safely, call the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500, or if you are at an off campus location, call 911.

Remember, your personal safety is of primary importance. Do not do anything that might jeopardize your safety or increase the risk or level of injury to yourself or others.

If you observe a violent act:

  • DO NOT physically intercede or try to restrain the aggressor(s). Be a good witness.
  • Call the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 immediately, or if you are at an off-campus location, call 911.
  • Be prepared to stay on the telephone with the dispatcher to provide pertinent information.
  • Note any suspect information like clothing, mannerisms, vehicle information and direction of travel when person leaves.

It is important that every employee who handles or receives mail be able to identify a suspicious letter or parcel. Although occurrences are extremely rare, it is essential to know what to do when suspicious mail is received. Remain alert for signs of potentially dangerous mail and packages.

If you receive a suspicious letter or package:

  • Stop. Do not handle.
  • Isolate it immediately. Secure the area.
  • Activate the emergency response plan by contacting ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 on campus or 911 at an off-campus site.
  • Alert others nearby to relocate to an area away from the site of the suspicious item. Keep a list of all persons in the potential hazard area.
  • Do not open, smell or taste.

If you suspect the mail or package contains a bomb (explosive) or poses a radiological, biological or chemical threat:

  • Isolate the area immediately.
  • Activate the emergency response plan by contacting ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 on campus or 911 at an off-campus site.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Alert others nearby to relocate to an area away from the site of the suspicious item.

How to recognize suspicious packages and mail:

  • Excessive postage, misspelled common words
  • No return address or strange return address
  • Unusual addressing, such as not being addressed to a specific person or the use of incorrect titles or titles with no name
  • Restrictive markings, such as “personal,” “confidential” or “do not X-ray”
  • Powdery substances felt through or appearing on the item
  • Oily stains or discolorations on the exterior
  • Strange odors
  • Excessive packaging materials, like tape or string
  • Lopsided or bulky shape of envelopes or boxes
  • Ticking sounds, protruding wires or exposed aluminum foil
If you experience a water service interruption, a burst pipe, or any other water-related issue
  • During normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.,contact Campus Services at ext. 3710 or Campus Police at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500.
  • After normal business hours contact the 天涯海角APP Campus Police Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500.

Tornado Watch

In the event that a Tornado Watch or other severe weather advisory is issued for our area:

  • A 天涯海角APP Alert text message and email will be sent to 天涯海角APP faculty, students and staff informing them of inclement weather
  • Building Emergency Leaders (BELs) are notified

You should continue with your daily routine; however, you should remain alert to the possibility of severe weather and be prepared to act accordingly.

Tornado Warning

If a Tornado Warning is issued for our area: 

  • Outdoor external warning sirens are activated and all other notification means — including phones, emergency notification system, the 天涯海角APP website and any other communication devices — are used to alert the campus of the warning and to direct them to seek shelter immediately.
  • Notices are issued to BELs and floor monitors to assist with sheltering.
KOPS logo — a white upward pointing arrow in a triangle with letters k o p s below.

Anyone on campus should promptly move to designated storm security areas. If you do not know where your designated storm security area is, refer to the Building Floor Plans and Emergency Information or reference emergency floor plan posters located throughout each building and classroom.

Remain in your designated storm security area until a warning expiration message is issued or announced.

Note: If a building or facility is damaged, evacuate the area after the storm passes (following direction of emergency building personnel) and stay clear of the damaged area. Be aware of fallen debris, downed power lines and gas leaks. Report any injuries by calling ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500.